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Tiny Thoughts For Baby 0 - 3 Months

 Tiny Thoughts For Baby 0 - 3 Months

Tiny Thoughts For Baby 0 - 3 Months

From birth to three months

Attention to the child at the beginning of his life is limited to breastfeeding him, changing his diapers, and calming him if he starts crying, but soon the child begins to grow, develop and acquire skills during his life, and this requires providing more care, and the following is a statement of the most prominent skills that the child will begin to acquire since Birth and up to three months old:

  • Motor skills: In the beginning, the child’s ability to control the movement of his head will be weak, wobbly, and unstable, and with time the child will be able to raise his head and chest when lying on his stomach, in addition to gaining the ability to stretch and kick his legs in that position, and if someone offers the child a toy he may hold it For a few moments.

  • Communication: By the age of two months, the baby may coddle and repeat vocal sounds when someone is talking to or playing with him.

  • Vision: During feeding, the baby is likely to focus on his mother's face, especially the eyes. By the age of one month, the baby prefers to look at clear patterns of sharply contrasting colors or black and white. At about two months of age, the baby's eyes will become more coordinated, allowing him to By tracking things around him, the child will also begin to recognize familiar things and people from afar.

  • Hearing: The child is sensitive to sounds, especially high-pitched sounds. It is expected that the child will begin to respond to the tone of his mother's voice by smiling and gurgling, and the child will also begin to pay attention to sounds.

At the beginning of their lives, children depend on crying as a means of communication between them and their mothers. A child’s crying may be an indication of his feelings of discomfort, hunger, pain, or to draw attention, and most newborns reach the peak of crying around the sixth week of their life, and then Their crying begins to decrease, and when they reach the age of three months. Babies may cry for about 60 minutes a day. It may last for at least three hours a day, occur on at least three days a week, and last from three weeks to three months., and the mother often feels a bit frustrated and exhausted when she finds it difficult to calm her child, but once the child is carried, the child is lost. He feels safe and reassured, and this is often an effective way to calm a child.

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