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Tiny Thoughts For Baby 9 - 12 Months

 Tiny Thoughts For Baby 9 - 12 Months

Tiny Thoughts For Baby 9 - 12 Months

From the tenth month to the age of one year

  • A child at this age can stand on his own without anyone's help and walk while leaning on things with one hand, and he may also start trying to take his first steps alone.
  • He uses the thumb and forefinger precisely to pick up objects, and he can hold a block or a cube in each hand and may hit them together, and he can put two cubes on top of each other, and he also uses both hands to pick up food and put it in his mouth.
  • Regarding communication and language skills, he may utter one or two words in addition to the words “Mama” and “Dada” and point to things. He may start chattering and making sounds that may mimic what he hears and begin to understand simple questions.
  • Some show their love for reading and looking at comics, following orders, and when they acquire a new skill such as walking and standing, they feel proud.
  • Begins to imitate older children and adults, and may cry about the actions of others; He cries when his mother leaves the room, and repeats behaviors that lead to the desired outcome, such as dropping a toy off the edge of a table so that the seated person can pick it up and bring it back to the edge.


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