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Baby Showers

 Baby Showers

Baby Showers
Baby Showers

Preparing for a baby's bath

When you want to bathe the infant, it is preferable to choose the appropriate time for that when the child is awake and active, and it is not recommended bathing him immediately after feeding or when he is sleepy or tired, and preparing for the child’s bath by heating the room in which the child will be bathed, and preparing all the bathroom necessities, which are: A bowl of warm water, a towel and pieces of cotton wool, new diapers and clean clothes, and a bowl to bathe the baby in.

How to bathe a baby

The following basics can be followed to bathe the baby properly:
  • Take off the child's clothes and embrace him with one hand, taking into account leaving the diaper on him and not taking it off until it is time to clean the diaper area.
  • Wrap the child in the towel and reveal the areas to be cleaned first.
  • Use a bath sponge or cotton cloth to clean one area at a time, and start cleaning the area behind the ears, then move to the neck, followed by the elbows, then the knees, and between the fingers and toes, and they need to focus on cleaning the small wrinkles under the arms, behind the ears, and around the neck.
  • The head is cleaned at the end of bath time so that the infant is not exposed to the cold, and it is recommended to tilt his head back to avoid water entering his eyes, and it is preferable to wash the hair with water alone without the need to use shampoo.
  • Remove the diaper to start cleaning the lower part, as females are cleaned from front to back without the need to completely wipe any vaginal secretions, if any, as for males, in the case of circumcision, it is preferable not to wash the head of the penis until it heals.
  • Dry the child and avoid rubbing the skin vigorously so as not to irritate. 
  • Dress the baby with a clean nappy and maintain clothes.

The number of times a baby is bathed

It is not recommended to bathe the infant daily, as excessive bathing can cause his skin to dry out, and it is recommended to bathe him 3 times a week until he becomes more active. This can be either in the morning hours when he is active, or in the evening hours to prepare him for a quiet sleep. As for the temperature of the water that is used during the shower, it can be confirmed and checked by placing the hand in the water.

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