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How do I strengthen my baby's bones?

 How do I strengthen my baby's bones?

How do I strengthen my baby's bones?

How do I strengthen my baby's bones?

Bone strength:

People sometimes face many problems related to the bones, such as osteoporosis and general weakness, and this may appear from an early stage of life, and this is due to poor bone care during childhood, especially during breastfeeding, as mothers may not know the correct way to feed their infants, and they believe that mother’s milk is sufficient to build Solid bones for the child, and they do not realize that there are many things related to nutrition that increase the strength of the bones besides natural milk, as the infant needs a double amount of minerals and vitamins; Especially to calcium to ensure obtaining strong and thick bones in old age, and to protect himself from bone diseases, which are one of the most difficult health problems faced by humans in the advanced stage of life.

General tips for strengthening the bones of the infant:

  • Massaging the baby from birth with natural olive oil, an oil extracted from a blessed tree, helps strengthen the baby’s bones, soften the skin, and prevent the baby from developing anemia.
  • Give the infant daily teaspoons of natural fruit juices such as carrot juice from the end of the third month to provide his body with vitamins and minerals necessary for growth.
  • Give the child a small percentage of dates soaked in water or milk in the first months after birth and intermittently, because it contains a high nutritional value that may exceed red meat and fish.
  • Feeding the child with the yolk of one boiled egg daily, starting from the sixth month of the child’s age.
  • Adding a spoon of natural bee honey to the baby’s natural milk feeding every day, as honey prevents fermentation inside the intestines, provides the child’s body with nutritious minerals, and vitamins, and helps facilitate digestion and prevent colic.
  • Give the child a specific amount of wheat soup daily. Wheat is a food rich in calcium and bone-strengthening vitamins, and it is prepared as follows:
Wheat is soaked in water for about six hours, then placed on a low heat and stirred constantly with the addition of a handful of rice, and kept on the fire until is completely cooked, after which a little milk, sugar, or honey is added and given to the child, and it can also be filtered well and given With a spoon for the child if his stomach is small and weak, and this food is useful in stopping cases of diarrhea and intestinal disorder in the child, and it is also a useful treatment for rickets, which affects a percentage of young children.

  • Giving the child a daily drink of cabbage juice within the daily meals is rich in calcium, which is useful for bone growth and strengthening.

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