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Tiny Thoughts For Baby 3 - 6 Months

 Tiny Thoughts For Baby 3 - 6 Months

Tiny Thoughts For Baby 3 - 6 Months

From the fourth to the sixth month

The development of skills in the infant during the stage between the fourth to the sixth month can be shown as follows:

  • Motor skills: By the age of six months the child may be able to lift his head and chest in a position on his stomach and may be able to support himself on his outstretched arms, as well as rollover, and when the child is placed on his back, as well as be able to lift his head off the pillow as well as lift His feet are to the extent that he can hold them with his hands, and if his hands are attached to an object, the child can also pull himself to sit and his head is erect, and his back is straight, and he can stand on his feet, and when a toy is placed out of his reach, the child will try to reach it and has the ability to moving things from one hand to another, bringing things to his mouth, and being able to hold things with his whole hand.

  • Language: Most six-month-olds can speak using single and double words, such as "mom" and "dad".

  • Vision and hearing: The child's vision improves during this stage of his life so that he can follow a circular object for a distance of one to five meters, and he can distinguish and track sounds around him.

  • Social skills: In this age group, the child can recognize the family members around him, distinguish between people who are strange and unfamiliar to him, and may show a little shyness and confusion towards strangers, and the child during this stage can laugh when he is happy, crying when disturbed, enjoying playing, and the child is alert, excited, alert, and active constantly, and the child may also raise his arms to be carried.

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